2-Year-Old Boy With Muscle Disorder Gets Walker Built by Home Depot Workers

Little Logan Moore has a medical disorder that affects his motor skills.

A simple act of human kindness was almost too much for Christian Moore to bear.

"It took everything I had not to cry," the Georgia mother told InsideEdition.com, recounting how her 2-year-old son, who has a medical disorder that prevents him from walking, became the thrilled recipient of mechanical compassion from a group of Home Depot employees. 

Logan's parents, Chistian and Justin, wanted to find a gait trainer — a sophisticated walker for those with mobility issues — for their boy, who has hypotonia, a syndrome that robs him of stability and muscle tone.

But the walking devices are expensive, and the Moores said their insurance would likely not cover such a purchase. So they went online looking for cheaper alternatives and discovered a handmade walker made from PVC pipe. 

Instructions and shopping list in hand, the family went to their local Home Depot in Cedartown last week and asked for help in finding the items.

Christian used to work at the store, so she went to the service desk. She was directed toward the correct aisle for her shopping needs. "Then the store manager and another employee came over," she said. And they started gathering everything on her list. We'll take care of this, they told her. Go get some ice cream and come back in an hour. This will be free of charge.

Christian stood there dumbfounded. "I just kept asking them, 'Are you sure? Are you sure?' And they said, 'Go, we've got this. Just go get some ice cream.'''

"So we went and got something to eat because we hadn't had supper yet," the mother said. 

When they returned to the store, Logan's walker was all finished. And it looked a lot nicer than the internet photos. "We couldn't believe it," Christian said. The employees had painted it orange and even wrote Logan's name in black marker.

Logan was ecstatic. With his chubby cheeks dimpled by a wide grin, the little boy grabbed the walker's handles and away he went. 

When it came time to go home, "We had to pry his little hands off it because he wanted to keep walking," she said. 

Store manager Jeffrey Anderson posted photos of a clearly delighted Logan on his Facebook page. "Everyone was crying to see Logan walk around with the biggest smile on his face and when the family tried to pay us we said no way, this one is on us," Anderson wrote. "Thanks to all that help and for being a blessing to this family and this little guy."

Reactions poured in from around the country. A man in New Jersey and a woman in California are sending gait trainers to the Moore family. Their children have outgrown them and the Moores will decide which one best suits Logan.

Then they will give the other one to another family in need.

"I don't really know what to say," Christian said. "You don't hear about good stuff like this these days. It's mostly bad stuff."

And the generosity of the store employees? "Well, it made me feel really good," she said.



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