2017's Heroes: See the Incredible, Selfless Acts That Were Caught on Camera

Strangers put themselves in danger this year to help others.

Incredible acts of heroism were caught on tape in 2017. 

There was heart-stopping drama in August as a kayaker flipped into raging Alaskan water. After his kayak swept away, Daniel Hartung fought to stay alive in the rough current. 

Luckily for the 64-year-old, a good Samaritan was nearby to help. 

“He was fighting and struggling a lot and it was not a fight that he was going to win on his own,” said Obadiah Jenkins, who was celebrating his 33rd birthday at the time.

Incredibly, Hartung suffered only a broken rib and some bruises. 

In another incident, quick-thinking heroes jumped into raging floodwaters to save a family trapped in an overturned truck. The vehicle went into the water as a monster tornado bore down outside Dallas in May.  

Phillip and Emily Ocheltree, who were trapped in the car with their children — a baby boy and a 2-year-old girl — told Inside Edition they had a special message to everyone who helped. 

"You have no idea how good it feels to know people were there to help," Emily said as her voice cracked with emotion. "They risked their lives to save my kids."