Chris Brown Flips Out and Smashes Window After GMA Interview

Singer Chris Brown reportedly flipped out at Good Morning America's studios after host Robin Roberts asked Brown questions on-air about the 2009 beating of Rihanna. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.

An enraged Chris Brown stormed into Times Square, bare-chested, after exploding into a fit of fury and smashing a window at Good Morning America's studios.

Brown's meltdown came after GMA co-host Robin Roberts questioned him about the notorious beating of then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009.

"Have you all seen each other, been around each other?" Roberts asked.

"I mean, not really, I mean it's not  really a big deal to me now as far as that situation, I think I am past that in my life and I think today is [about] the album, so that's what I'm focused on now, so everyone go get that album," said Brown, clearly uncomfortable.

Brown was visibly annoyed and repeatedly tried to steer the conversation away from the Rihanna assault and back to his album.
"Definitely this album is what I wanted to talk about, not that stuff that happened two years ago," Brown added.

Brown stormed into his dressing room and started tearing the place apart. Concerned staffers called ABC security, but before they got there Brown reportedly grabbed a chair and threw it against a window. Shards of glass rained down onto the bustling Times Square sidewalk below.

The second floor window was shattered and had to be boarded up.

Brown ripped off his shirt as he left the studios and quickly took to Twitter.

He posted a tweet referring to the incident, saying,

"I'm so over people bringing this past s--- up!!! Yet we praise Charlie Sheen and other celebs for there [sic] b-------!"

The post was removed minutes later and replaced with one about his album.

The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck was at the GMA studio this morning and was shocked to hear that he went "bonkers."

"I saw him behind the scenes, actually, a very different Chris Brown than they're saying in terms of what happened after, allegedly, but he was signing autographs for kids, and he seemed pretty calm," Hasselbeck said.

Brown appeared to be in a playful mood before the sit-down. He was reportedly told beforehand that Roberts would ask him about Rihanna.

After the freak out, Roberts tweeted, "Sure has been an interesting AM @GMA. Still sorting thru everything myself."

The temper tantrum comes at a bad time for the 22-year-old singer, whose new album debuts today. And as part of his public image rehabilitation, he is slated to perform on another hugely popular ABC show, Dancing with the Stars.

The outburst could also have legal implications for Brown, who is on probation for the Rihanna beating until 2014

"Committing any sort of act of violence that amounts to vandalism, that could be the basis of a new charge or crime that could violate Chris Brown's probation," said criminal attorney Robin Sax.