3 California Women Say They Had an Uber Ride From Hell: 'You Guys Are All Dying Tonight’

Uber removed the driver's access to the rideshare app. 

Three California women say they shared an Uber ride from hell in June, when their driver suddenly started speeding and refused to take them home. 

Theadora Fuerstenberg, Angela O’Neal and Katherine Vallaire were headed home after book club when they claim their Uber driver suddenly started speeding for no reason.

“He floored it and sped immediately all the way over to the left lane [at] 100 miles an hour,” Fuerstenberg told Inside Edition. “We all were terrified.” 

O'Neal says that despite their pleas to stop speeding on the Sacramento freeway, he refused.

“He was going at such excessive speeds, he literally was about to hit the car in front of us multiple times,” she said. 

When Vallaire told the driver, identified as Mark Filanov, to slow down, she says his response was chilling.

“He said, 'No, you guys are all dying tonight,'" she claimed.

The women said he refused to take them home. 

In the backseat, O'Neal crouched over and discreetly called 911, telling the dispatcher they were “abducted,” adding, "Our driver will not let us out."

The car finally stopped at an intersection in Sacramento, and Vallaire made a bold move by opening the door and ordered the ladies to get out. 

The women jumped to safety, but their nightmare continued into the following day, as Fuerstenberg claimed the driver showed up at her home.

“He was sitting there, staring into my house and then he freaked out and drove away," she said. 

Filanov has been charged with felony kidnapping and making criminal threats, and Uber has removed his access to the rideshare app. 

Recently, Uber introduced a new safety feature that allows passengers to reach police during a trip. If a passenger feels they are in danger, the app will alert cops to a passenger's location and the car's information.