40-Year-Old Man Sues Parents for Throwing Out His Porn Collection

An Indiana man has sued his parents for destroying his porn collection.
The man valued his porn holdings at $29,000.Getty

The grown son had been living with his parents following his divorce.

A grown man sued his parents for getting rid of his extensive assortment of porn.

The 40-year-old Indiana man filed a lawsuit against his mother and father in Michigan, where he lived for about 10 months following a contentious divorce. After moving out, his parents delivered some of his belongings to his new home in Muncie, minus 12 boxes of X-rated films and magazines with titles including "Frisky Business" and "Big Bad Grannys."

The suit was filed after local prosecutors refused to press charges, The Associated Press reported. 

In his lawsuit, the son included an email he said was sent by his father regarding the collection valued at $29,000.

"I do not possess your pornography. It is gone. It has been either destroyed or disposed of. I may well have missed a few items that are now in your possession but, at this point, if you don't have it, it is gone. Ditto for your sex toys and smutty magazines," the email said, NBC reported.

His father also compared pornography to hard-core drugs.

"I destroyed your porn. It was for your own mental and emotional heath. I would have done the same if I had found a kilo of crack cocaine. Someday, I hope you will understand," the email said. 

The son is seeking nearly $87,000 in damages and legal fees.