Taylor Swift denies reports that she crashed a Kennedy wedding, but Kathie Gifford was there and says it's true—the singer wasn't invited and was asked to leave, but chose to stay. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
Kathie Lee Gifford is speaking out about Taylor Swift crashing a Kennedy family wedding after the bride's mother told her to stay away.
She confirmed the account, first reported by the Boston Herald, that the mother-of-the bride, Vicki Gifford Kennedy, definitely did not want Taylor Swift to come to the wedding.
Kathy Lee said, "The truth is, because I was there, Vicki, Frank's daughter's account of what happened is accurate because she said to me as it was happening, 'I'm really not happy about this.' "
Kathie Lee told her Today show co-host Hoda Kotb that she blames Swift's new boyfriend,18-year-old Conor Kennedy, for not RSVPing to the wedding invitation.
"He had not RSVP'd so she didn't know if he was coming or not. He got in touch with her an hour earlier and said, 'Can I bring my girlfriend. She said very nicely, 'Please do not come' and guess what? They came," said Kathie Lee.
Kathie Lee Gifford is Victoria Gifford Kennedy's stepmother. She said Victoria was worried that Swift risked taking the spotlight off the beautiful bride, Kyle Kennedy.
"It's the bride's day and that was Vicki's other concern. This is my daughter's day and I would appreciate it if you would not come,' " said Kathie Lee.
Swift's publicist continues to insist the singer was invited and the bride even thanked her for coming. But that's not what Kathie Lee says.
Kathie Lee said, "If he had done the right thing orignially and RSVP'd and then had called weeks before and said, 'May I bring my girlfriend?' then she would have graciously said, 'Yes you may.' "
The wedding of Kyle Kennedy and Liam Kerr was a lavish affair at the posh Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston. Turning up unannounced is considered a wedding day no-no.
Anja Winikka from theknot.com told INSIDE EDITION, "If you are expecting 130 people and 131 show up, there's going to have to be seating arrangements made, and changes made. Most of all, if they're not expecting you, a surprise like that, it's just not ok on the wedding day."
Even the cast of Gossip Girl is weighing in against Taylor Swift. They tweeted:
"For a girl who's all about love and ladylike behavior, what the (blank) was Taylor Swift thinking?"