911 Supervisor Might Have Failed by Streaming Netflix While Shooting Victim Called for Help: Investigation

Coral Spring Police Sgt. Carla Kmiotek told Inside Edition that while the movie was playing at the supervisor's workstation, she had five monitors, making it unclear if she was actually watching the film.

A 911 supervisor was streaming a Netflix movie at her workstation as calls poured in from the victim of a drive-by shooting, officials said, and the failure to supervise might lead to her suspension from the agency.

At a gas station in South Florida, a bullet had come flying through the back windshield of the caller's car, narrowly missing her head during the evening of June 9, 2019. She called 911, but help wasn't on the way. Sixteen minutes later, the woman called 911 once again.

“I just called the police a few good minutes ago and they're still not here and I just got shot at in the car. I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out,” she said in the recently released call. 

Four minutes after that, the woman decided to take things into her own hands.

“Hi, I just called. I'm going to drive to the police station. Is that okay?” she told the operator

Inside Edition spoke to the woman's lawyer, Brian Packett, about the incident

"My client didn’t know why the police failed to respond, she didn’t know why EMS failed to respond, she didn’t know why help never came," he said. 

Police launched an internal affairs investigation, which found that two 911 operators mistakenly logged the calls as a suspicious incident instead of a shooting. 

But why didn't their supervisor Julie Vidaud catch the error? 

When investigators pulled data from the supervisor's computer, they discovered that she'd been streaming the Netflix sci-fi thriller "I Am Mother" starring Hilary Swank at the time of the shooting. 

The report called the incident a "catastrophic failure." But Coral Spring Police Sgt. Carla Kmiotek told Inside Edition that while the movie was playing at the supervisor's workstation, she had five monitors, making it unclear if she was actually watching the film. Vidaud denies watching Netflix when the calls were coming in.

The supervisor was expected to be suspended for two days.