Andrew Dice Clay's Bombshell

Comedian Andrew Dice Clay discusses his new autobiography with INSIDE EDITION and the shocking claims he makes about Teri Hatcher.

Andrew Dice Clay is dropping a bombshell! In his new book, appropriately titled, The Filthy Truth, the comedian, famous for his raunchy standup routines, says he had a steamy affair with Desperate Housewives actress Teri Hatcher.

Check Out Dice's Interview with INSIDE EDITION

He says sparks flew between him and Hatcher on the set of the 1993 long forgotten movie Brain Smasher...A Love Story. Dice Clay was married at the time.
Dice told INSIDE EDITION’s Les Trent, “I actually told Teri I was going through a separation. I lied. But when she realized I was going home to my wife, she wasn't going to go with a married man.”

Trent asked, “Do you think she would care that you wrote about this affair?”

Dice replied, “It’s something that happened. I don't think she'd be angry about it.”

At 55, the comedian is back performing sold out comedy shows.

Trent asked, “Have you mellowed with age?”

“Not at all,” he replied.

To read an excerpt from the book, click on the "Download PDF" icon.