Oklahoma Students React To University's Punishment For Racist Fraternity Video: 'It's Not Enough!'

The fraternity brothers have been evicted, but these students are calling for more.

Another shocking video of University of Oklahoma students singing racist lyrics at a fraternity event has surfaced.

In the video, they sing, “You can hang them from a tree but they'll never sign with me. There will never be a [expletive] at SAE!”

One student seemingly tried to block someone from shooting video.

The latest video surfaced after a video of the same event was posted online and caused uproar.

The students, members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, were on a luxury bus with their dates singing about lynching and keeping black students out of the University of Oklahoma chapter.  

The University President David Boren ordered the fraternity members evicted and the fraternity's national headquarters suspended the chapter indefinitely.  

Boren said, “They have until midnight tomorrow to pack their bags and as they pack their bags I hope they think long and hard about what they have done.”

The video was posted by Unheard, a group of black students on campus. INISDE EDITION’s Les Trent spoke with two members.

AuBriana Busby told Trent, “I was very offended. I was disgusted by the behavior of the students in the video. I was hurt and disappointed that anyone thought that this was okay.”

Trent asked, “The fraternity was quick to come in and suspend this chapter is that enough?”

Kumba Sicarr replied, “No, we do not think it's enough. Our questions to the university are what’s the next move? What’s the action plan to prevent this from happening because this is not the first incident and it will not be the last?”  

Students staged a silent protest on campus and someone wrote “Tear It Down” on the wall of the frat house.

One photo was also posted online Monday that showed a Confederate flag hanging inside a Sigma Alpha Epsilon house at Oklahoma State University.

The videos are sending shockwaves across America.

Matt Lauer said on the Today show, “A very troubling video posted online.”

George Stephanopoulos said on Good Morning America, “There's nothing good to say about it. My goodness!”

On The View, Whoopi Goldberg said, “As always, proof that racial relations in America still have a really long way to go!”

It's especially troubling because the video was posted as America marked the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. President Obama walked across Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge where, 50 years ago, civil rights marchers were brutally attacked.  

The president stated there was still work to be done, something these shocking videos make painfully clear.

The fraternity has closed 12 chapters in 18 months for hazing. Officials say one of its members died in 2011 from alcohol poisoning