
The ACE Family Finds Out the Gender of Their Baby, Thanks to BFF Kylie Jenner

YouTubers Catherine Paiz and her husband Austin McBroom discovered the gender of their baby as confetti rained down on them and their friends.

Just like their bestie Kylie Jenner, the ACE family’s life is about to get a whole lot more pink.

In a video posted to Instagram Tuesday, YouTubers Catherine Paiz and her husband Austin McBroom revealed they would be having a girl, as determined by a sky of pink as they unleashed confetti cannons.

"That’s crazy," McBroom says in the video. "I knew it. I knew it. Guys, I’m crying right now, because I thought it was going to be a boy but it’s not. It’s a girl. I’m happy.”

Jenner, a new mom herself, even led the countdown as the pair prepared to launch the confetti.

Paiz was seen shedding tears of joy in a video posted two months ago as she found out the results of her pregnancy test, and surprised her husband with the help of their 1-year-old daughter Elle.

They also recently tested different old wives’ tales to see if they could figure out the gender.