An Asteroid the Size of the Golden Gate Bridge Is Heading Our Way Just in Time for Spring

The asteroid is estimated to be the largest and fastest asteroid to pass by the Earth this year. 

An asteroid the size of the Golden Gate Bridge will fly past Earth at the end of March, according to NASA'S California Institute of Technology. The asteroid, which measures somewhere between 1,300 and 2,300 feet, is estimated to be the largest and fastest asteroid to pass by the planet this year. 

Despite the seemingly frightening news, NASA assures the asteroid will pass by Earth safely. In fact, the closest it will come will be nearly 1.25 million miles away.

Still, this presents a valuable opportunity for astronomers to observe the rock, called 2001 FO32. Its formation dates back to the origins of the solar system.

Scientists have been tracking the asteroid for 20 years. After its brief visit, it will not return again until 2052.

Small asteroids, defined as small inactive, rocky bodies orbiting the sun, usually pass between the Earth and the moon's orbit several times a month, according to NASA. 

Every 2,000 years, a meteoroid the size of a football field hits Earth, causing significant damage. No known asteroid poses any risk of impact on Earth for at least the next 100 years.