Babies Crawl to Victory in Annual Race in Lithuania

Putting their crawling skills to the test, 25 babies went head-to-head in various heats on a 5-meter carpet track. 

It's off to the races for these babies.

Tots aged 7-11 months old put one knee in front of the other for the annual baby racing competition on Saturday in Vilnius, Lithuania. Putting their crawling skills to the test, 25 babies went head to head in various heats on a 5-meter carpet track. 

The stakes were high as the little bundles lined up at the starting line. But the expertise was apparently low, with some babies left crying on the ground and others sitting down in the middle of the track. Several lost their footing and took a tumble.

To entice the young ones across the finish line, adult team members waves toys and held out yummy snacks. Some put the pedal to the metal to snag the treats.

But among all the athletes, Ignas Dovydaitis took home the baby bragging rights. The winner will be 12 months old in two weeks.