
Barber Staples Condoms to His Business Card — But There's One Problem

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It's not clear if the barber immediately noticed his mistake.

A Texas barber may not have thought his marketing plan through when he started giving out condoms alongside his business card.

In a tweet, Jake Gamez wrote, “Gotta include one of these with every card! You’re going to need it after you cut your hair. Trust me.”

There was only one problem: the middle of the condoms were stapled to his business card, which means there's holes in them.

It’s not clear if the barber knew what he did, but he did retweet some tweets indicating he’s now aware of the issue.

“Mans getting his future business clients already… a visionary,” one user wrote, alluding to the fact that whoever uses the condom may expect a child in the future.

Gamez retweeted the tweet.

“Get a haircut from jake. Use the condom. Jake gets to cut father and sons hair now,” another user wrote.