The Best Tips to Help You Stay Safe While Jogging

It's never safe to be jogging alone, and "Safety Chick" Kathleen Baty has some tips that can save your life.

An Arizona woman recorded a terrifying encounter when she says she was harassed by a man following her during a jog in Scottsdale. 

McKenzie Smalley, 24, was on a run when she says the driver of a dark grey SUV started harassing her.  

In video she posted on Facebook of the incident, the man can be heard calling to  her and can be seen following her. She threatened to call the police. 

She told Inside Edition that he was also “making comments about my body and my physique.” 

Security expert Kathleen Baty, who's known as “The Safety Chick,” spoke to Inside Edition about how women can stay safe when jogging. 

She says the first rule is to always run with a friend. 

The second rule is to run at a time when other people are around, like early morning. 

“The best time of day to run is in the morning, before work, when everyone's out," she said. 

Her third rule is to refrain from blasting music in your headphones.  

“You need to have the volume down, low enough you can hear everything going on around you,” she advises. 

Smalley says she eventually went into an all-out sprint to get away from the rude SUV driver. 
Smalley says she didn’t get a good look at the man or his truck so she didn’t file a police report. She is worried that he may harass other women.