Brett Kavanaugh: Friend Mark Judge to Cooperate With Investigators

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford claimed Judge was in the room when she was allegedly assaulted by Kavanaugh.

Could Mark Judge hold the key to the sexual assault allegations made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh?

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified during Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Hearing that Judge was in the room when she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh at 15.

Judge is now laying low, "holed up" at a friend's house in Delaware, a three hours drive from the nation's capital.

"How’d you find me?" judge asked a Washington Post reporter who tracked him down.

On Friday, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee tried without success to have Judge subpoenaed.

Initially, Judge sent a letter to the committee, saying he didn't wish to testify.

“As a recovering alcoholic and a cancer survivor, I have struggled with depression and anxiety. As a result, I avoid public speaking,” he said in the statement. “I do not recall the events described by Dr. Ford.”

But on Friday afternoon, Judge said he would cooperate with an investigation, according to the Associated Press, however, it must be done "confidentially."