California Man Beaten, His Family Threatened and Their Van Destroyed After Driving Through 'Sideshow'

Amanda Hensley tells Inside Edition that she was driving the family minivan with her four children inside, while her husband was driving in front of her.

A California family on their way home found themselves in the midst of a melee of cars doing donuts, known as a sideshow.

That may not sound menacing, but it was when some of the drivers and spectators surrounded the family's two cars and began to attack both the adults and children while destroying their vehicle.

Amanda Hensley tells Inside Edition that she was driving the family minivan with her four children inside, while her husband was driving in front of her. 

The family was on their way home when they suddenly found themselves trapped in a sideshow. 

That's where cars do tricks and cause general mayhem.

As the family drove through the intersection, the angry crowd attacked the van. 

The husband tried to calm down the crowd, but some of those standing by turned on him and began to attack the man.

Amanda ran to her husband's side. 

"I thought that I was going to watch him die. If I didn't try to stop them from beating him," Amanda tells Inside Edition. "They were kicking him stomping on him."

Her husband, who asked not to be named for his own safety, suffered multiple injuries, including bruised ribs.

Amanda says that her children were able to flee the scene and that bystanders took care of them, but not before they too were attacked.

"They were punching my 14-year-old son through the window," she says.

The family's van also sustained damage.

Members of the crowd smashed in all the windows and dented the vehicle, leading to costly repairs for the family,

Friends of the family have created a GoFundMe campaign so they can fix or replace their family car and to move to a safer area. "The boys are a mess and are scared to leave the apartment out of fear of it happening again or the people coming back. Please help us get this family back on track and give them the ability to heal," the page reads. 

To date, about $4,600 has been raised for the family. 

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