California Mom Turns to Plastic Surgery to Make a Splash at Her 39-Year High School Reunion

What better way for 57-year-old Donarae Dunwoody to turn back the clock?

A 57-year-old Southern California woman underwent a transformation to look like she did back in high school, just in time for her 39-year reunion.

“I really do want to stun everybody,” Donarae Dunwoody told Inside Edition. 

She turned to Santa Monica plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Zarrabi for her high school reunion makeover. She wanted to get rid of the jowls, address the jawline and neck and get her cheeks lifted. 

He also removed the bags around her eyes for a total of five cosmetic procedures.

The doctor performed liposuction around her neck to get rid of the fat. He also lifted and tightened her face. He also removed fat from her abdomen and injected it around her mouth for volume. Finally, he freshened her eyes. 

After eight hours, she was wheeled into recovery.

Five weeks after the surgery, she was ready for her high school reunion, and her former classmates from Pacific High School were excited to see her.

“She looks like 30 years younger," said one former classmate. "I'm blown away." 

Dunwoody not only went down memory lane; she also turned back time.