Can Apple's AirPods Be Used to Spy on Conversations?

While Apple’s “Live Listen” feature and AirPods can help users eavesdrop on others, the company is saying the feature is simply for those hard of hearing.

Can Apple's AirPods be used to spy on you?

iPhones can be misused with the wireless earbuds to eavesdrop on conversations, according to tech expert Jessica Nazari.

"This is the new way to spy," she said.

The devices have a feature called "Live Listen," which is made for people who are hard of hearing. When you activate the option, the voice of the person you want to hear is amplified in your AirPods, as if you were listening to a phone call.

But could the feature also be used to listen in to conversations?

"You can leave the phone down next to the person who you actually want to hear, you put the AirPods on and walk into the next room and you can hear the conversation," Nazari said.

Inside Edition's Los Angeles bureau put it to the test. Nazari switched on Live Listen, while Jim Moret left the room and walked in the corridor outside wearing the AirPods. Back in the room, other Inside Edition colleagues commented on Moret's tie.

"They're talking about my tie!" he said outside the room. "I'm 50 feet away and I'm still hearing everything as clear as if I'm sitting in that room."


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