Cancun Vacationers Hunker Down Amid Hurricane and COVID-19 Concerns

There is concern the storm has created a perfect condition inside shelters for COVID-19 hotspots to emerge.

American tourists are finding themselves stranded in Cancun, Mexico, as hotels and other facilities turn into temporary shelters to weather Hurricane Delta. With many flights cancelled, tourists are hunkering down in close quarters.

Jessica Berardi from Chicago spoke to Inside Edition from the jam-packed convention center at the Hard Rock Hotel. When asked what concerned her more, coronavirus or the hurricane, Berardi said “coronavirus, absolutely 100%.”

There is concern the storm has created a perfect condition inside shelters for COVID-19 hotspots to emerge.

“People are wearing masks, they are giving hand sanitizer out, they’re trying to be cautious, it’s just a lot of people and not a lot of space,” she said.