China Conservation and Research Center Breeding Program Celebrates 24 Giant Panda Cubs Born in 2021

Since the start of 2021, they’ve welcomed 24 panda cubs, including nine sets of twins.

The China Conservation and Research Center for the giant panda is full of babies right now. It’s a sign of hope for a species that almost went extinct.

Since the start of 2021, they’ve welcomed 24 panda cubs, including nine sets of twins.

Panda cubs are born weighing about one pound. But on a diet of bamboo, the average adult will grow to between 200 and 300 pounds.

The center says the positive results in their breeding program have “provided a very strong guarantee for advanced scientific research regarding breeding, mating in the wild, and release to nature.”

The World Wildlife Fund says it’s great news that giant pandas are no longer considered endangered, though more progress in conservation is needed. 

Pandas are now on the vulnerable to extinction list after their population rose 17 percent in a decade. Even so, there are still fewer than 1,900 giant pandas in the wild.

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