Conjoined Twins With Fused Skulls Successfully Separated at Vatican Hospital

Twins Ervina and Prefina Bangalo were born June 29, 2018 in Mbaiki, Central African Republic, sharing the same skull and critical blood vessels around their brains. 

Twin 2-year-old girls born with fused skulls were successfully separated by doctors at the Vatican’s pediatric hospital. Physicians announced Tuesday in a press conference they had completed an exceedingly rare surgery for an equally rare congenital defect.

Twins Ervina and Prefina Bangalo were born June 29, 2018 in Mbaiki, Central African Republic, sharing the same skull and critical blood vessels around their brains. 

The sisters were born with what doctors at the Vatican-owned Bambino Gesu Pediatric Hospital called “one of the rarest and most complex forms of cranial and cerebral fusion.”

The separation took 18 hours and involved 30 specialists. The surgery was completed on June 5. Doctors say the girls are fine and expected to fully recover. They will have to wear special helmets for a few months to prevent skull damage.

The girls have “distinct” personalities, doctors said. Prefina is vivacious and playful, and Ervina is more serious and quietly observes her surroundings.