Couple With Same Dwarfism as Ukrainian Orphan Natalia Says They 'Never' Thought She Was Secretly an Adult

Vincent and Nicole DePaul showed Inside Edition stacks of adoption paperwork that list Natalia's official birth date as Sept. 4, 2003, which would make her 16 today.

A couple who hoped to adopt the Ukrainian-born orphan Natalia says they have proof that she's a minor and not actually an adult posing as a child, as her former adoptive parents have alleged.

Vincent and Nicole DePaul, have a form of dwarfism similar to Natalia’s, and say they wanted to adopt the orphan in 2009, before she was taken home to Michael and Kristine Barnett.

The DePauls ultimately did not proceed with the adoption, but they say they can prove she's a child. They showed Inside Edition stacks of adoption paperwork that list Natalia's official birth date as Sept. 4, 2003, which would make her 16 today.

Vincent DePaul told Inside Edition he was shocked when he heard the Barnetts allegations that she was actually an adult.  “She looked like a child, she acted like a child. Do I look like a kid? I’m a dwarf," he said.

For Inside Edition’s full report tune in on Thursday, Oct. 31. For stations and times in your area, check local listings.