
Crocodile in Indonesia Set Free After Being Stuck in a Motorcycle Tire for 6 Years

Wildlife experts in Indonesia had been trying to rescue the crocodile with no luck, until a bird catcher moved to the region.

Big cheers came for a crocodile after the wild reptile was set free after being stuck in a motorcycle tire for about six years. 

Wildlife experts in Indonesia have been trying to rescue the crocodile with no luck.

A bird catcher who recently moved to the area frequently saw the 14-footer sunbathing at a nearby estuary and came up with a plan. 

It took three weeks for the croc to fall into the trap he set made with rope. And lots of rope was used, which meant the crocodile couldn't fight back or be aggressive. 

With the help of two friends, the bird catcher sawed through the tire and set the animal loose. A wildlife conservation agency was then used to help release the animal back into nature. 

Now, for the first time in six years, the crocodile is free.

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