Dad Solves Mystery of How Mom Tested Positive for Opiates by Reading

Elizabeth Dominguez said she couldn't believe it when she was accused of taking opiates while she was pregnant. Turns out, an everything bagel was to blame.

One New York woman was accused of taking opiates while pregnant, and her husband said he has to thank for helping him figure out why.

Elizabeth Dominguez could not believe she was being accused of taking opiates while she was pregnant. She said she was sent home from the hospital without her infant son, Carter, who was being monitored for symptoms of opiate withdrawal. 

Social workers investigated the family, even visiting their other kids' schools. 

"At like midnight they came into my room and were like, ‘Are you aware that you tested positive for opiates?’ I was like, ‘Wait, what?!’" Dominguez told Inside Edition. "They took the happiness of having a baby away from me.

She added: "I couldn’t bond with my baby at all, they wanted to take my baby away from me. They were like threatening to take my kids away from me."

Her husband, Mark Dominguez, finally solved the mystery after he found a story on of a mom in Maryland who tested positive for opiates after eating an everything bagel. The bagel contained poppy seeds, which can lead to a false positive.

Just hours before going into labor Elizabeth Dominguez had dropped by a cafe in Buffalo, New York, where she ordered a toasted everything bagel with cream cheese. All it takes is just a teaspoon of poppy seeds to possibly fail a drug test.

Further hospital tests confirmed the result was a false positive from poppy seeds on the bagel. 

Incredibly, another mom, Jamie Silakowski, also had a false positive test results for opiates after eating poppy seed bread at the same Buffalo-area cafe last October.