Dutch Artist Theo Jansen Brings Massive Sculptures to Life Using Wind Power and Physics

The 73-year-old artist's project was in part to "encounter .. the problems of the real Creator," he wrote on his website.

This Dutch artist’s creations aren’t exactly alive, but seem to have a life of their own, thanks to wind power.

Theo Jansen’s massive “strandbeests,” or beach animals, are sculptures made of commonly-found building materials.

The sculptures rely on wind power and a bit of physics to move around the beach.

Jansen first started designing animated sculptures 30 years ago, and today’s exhibit is a culmination of his decades-long effort.

And for the 73-year-old artist, it also seems to be the answer to his mortality.

“By developing this evolution, I hope to become wiser in the understanding of existing nature by encountering myself the problems of the real Creator,” he said, according to the exhibit’s website.

The “standbeests” will be on display at the Kunstmuseum in The Hague in Amsterdam until July 3. 

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