Elderly Illinois Couple Ties the Knot After Dating for 40 Years

They decided it was time.

An elderly Illinois couple has tied the knot after dating on-and-off for more than four decades.

Joe Hubbard, 75, and Julie Llamas, 79, first met as teenagers at the Holy Angels Catholic Church in East St. Louis, but fell out of touch until their 30s. Hubbard worked at Catholic Urban Programs, a nonprofit outreach organization, and often visited the nursing home where Llamas worked at the time.

In 1977, Llamas invite Hubbard to a Christmas party and eventually, after spending time as friends, a romance blossomed.

"We’ve been dating for over 45 years," Llamas told InsideEdition.com.

The pair never tied the knot because throughout the years they were both busy taking care of their families. Hubbard was taking care of his mother and brothers, whom he supported, while Llamas raised the daughter of her sister following her death.

That all changed six years ago, however, when Llamas’ mobile home was robbed and Hubbard asked her to move in with him. In May, Hubbard decided to propose.

“I didn’t think he would ever pop the question,” Llamas said, laughing. "I didn’t want to pressure him and I told him, 'Don’t let me die not being married."

She said she told Hubbard, as a last resort, to marry her on her death bed but Hubbard had other plans. 

While in church last month, the congregation was singing the hymn "I Have Loved You" when Hubbard asked Llamas to be his wife. Of course, she said yes. 

On June 22, the couple wed in a ceremony at St. Henry's Catholic Church in Belleville with about 200 in attendance. Llamas walked down the aisle with her walker.

"It was awesome," Llamas said. 

She said they plan to enjoy their lives, one day at a time.