Elderly Man Relives 'Lifetime of Memories' Thanks to eBay Purchase

VHS tape

Rewind, Fast Forward, Play. Those buttons mean the world to a man named who bought a VCR from eBay.

Rewind, Fast Forward, Play. Those buttons mean the world to a man who bought a VCR from eBay.

Matt Shoukry sold it to the man, only identified as Don. He said he was finally able to play videos on it he he hadn't seen in years.

The 86-year-old was so filled with gratitude, he decided to send the St. Louis, Missouri, resident a letter.

"I watched tapes of my retirement party, which I had never seen before. Jeez, were we young. Then a tape of my wedding with all the family and friends, many of which are no longer around," Don wrote.

"Then skiing trips, kids growing up, travels, and most importantly the gentle maturing of my family, each one more fun than the last, all thanks to your generous selling of the VHS player.  I thought you would appreciate how much someone has enjoyed your offer. Best regards, Don."

Shoukry told KTVI he didn’t expect to receive the response, but he says he wants to write Don back and let him know he will digitize his VHS tapes, so he can relive his fondest memories whenever he likes.