Elderly Woman Who Returned Shopping Cart Despite Massive Storm Shocked by Attention

Sue Johnson has been regarded as one of the most considerate shoppers in America.

The most considerate shopper in America has been identified after video of her returning a shopping cart during a freak storm in West Virginia went viral. 

Sue Johnson, 70, was loading her groceries at a Walmart parking lot in the town of Hurricane when the storm came

Despite the high winds and rain that whipped through the aptly named town, she still returned the cart as the storm raged. 

She says she "doesn’t know" what prompted her to return the cart, adding, “I always do. I always take it back.”

She added that the “wind was blowing on [the cart] so hard that I had to grab onto it with both hands."

She added, "The rain hit so hard it hurt."

Kachina Rigdon shot the video from her car and it went viral soon after. 

"It was pretty remarkable because a lot of people don’t do it even when there is not a monsoon going on," she told Inside Edition. "It is just really nice to see people doing the right thing."

Johnson thinks it's unbelievable that she's getting so much attention, saying she is "very shocked" to be hearing from the media. 

Johnson was philosophical about her experience, saying, "You can only get so wet. Once you are wet, you are wet all the way through."