Ever Wonder Why Some Dogs Howl? New Study May Have the Answers

A new study offers some "wild" findings on how our canine companions communicate.

Ever wonder why some dogs howl and others don't?

A new study offers some "wild" findings on how our canine companions communicate.  

Hungarian researchers sniffed out the answer by bringing recordings of “calls of the wild" indoors.

The study is said to be the first of its kind and they tested nearly 70 family dogs from 28 different breeds, making it the first study to specifically investigate howling in domestic dogs.

Fanni Lehoczki, a researcher Eotvos Lorand University, told CBS News, “among younger dogs - there was no difference in the breeds.”

Breeds that howl more also show more stress-related behaviors when they hear wolf wails, while more modern breeds react by barking, scientists told CBS News.

Researchers say while all dogs know how to howl, domesticating them has started to silence their sixth sense.

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