Fiona the Hippo's Newborn Sibling Is a Boy, Cincinnati Zoo Reveals for the First Time

Fiona the hippo's baby brother is spending his first days bonding with his mom, Bibi.
Fiona the hippo's baby brother is spending his first days bonding with his mom, Bibi.Cincinnati Zoo

Zoo officials didn't check the sex of the newborn hippo until now in order to allow mom Bibi to have uninterrupted bonding time with her calf.

It’s a boy! Fiona the hippo gained a new sibling Wednesday, and the Cincinnati Zoo revealed the baby’s sex for the first time Monday morning. 

“We’re just happy that the calf is healthy,” Cincinnati Zoo’s director of animal care, Christina Gorsuch, said in a statement.

Zoo officials said they hesitated to check the sex of the newborn after his birth to allow mom Bibi to have uninterrupted bonding time with her calf. 

“Bibi and the baby are doing great together. They are inseparable, which is why it took almost five days to be sure about the sex,” Gorsuch said.

The newborn hippo’s older sibling Fiona made headlines five years ago, in 2017, when she was born premature. Thanks to around-the-clock care by zoo staff, Fiona overcame her health challenges and is now healthy and strong, and on display at an exhibit at the zoo. 

“It will be interesting to observe and compare the behavioral differences between a hand-raised girl and a mom-raised boy,” Gorsuch said.

The latest addition to Bibi’s family has not yet been named, and the Cincinnati Zoo is actively looking for suggestions. To submit a suggestion for a name, visit the zoo’s website.

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