Fire Sale: Tennessee Couple Sells Charred Remains of Their Mansion for $1.5 Million Just 4 Days After Listing

"We wanted to be transparent about the history of the home," realtor Paula Duval tells Inside Edition.

A Tennessee couple is celebrating their decision to offload their mansion in a fire sale after an actual fire decimated much of the home's interior.

"We wanted to be transparent about the history of the home," realtor Paula Duval tells Inside Edition.

That is why she and her husband, Danny, who own the property, used a photo of the massive blaze that erupted at the property back in September as the lead photo in all sales material.

The pair also included photographs of the charred wreck that had once been the grand staircase, the melting plaster hanging from some of the ceilings and walls, and the ash that is heavy enough to look like carpet in some areas.

The list price for this real-life haunted house with crispy stairs, gooey plaster, and powdery carpeting? $1.5 million.

Four days later, the home was in contract.

Mike and Linda Thakur were the lucky buyers, snatching up the property just days after it hit the market.

Inside Edition got a chance to speak to the couple and their three children after the home went into contract, and hear why they made the purchase.

"Linda thought it would be a smoking hot deal," jokes Mike.

Overfried fixtures aside, the property has a whole lot to offer potential buyers.

It sits on five acres and is located in the city of Franklin, considered to be the ritziest of the Nashville suburbs.

The Thakurs' old home may have had walls and a ceiling, but it did not have celebrity neighbors including Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel,  Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, and Brad Paisley.  


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