
Has Meghan Markle Adopted an English Accent?

A recent exchange is suggesting that the American may have acquired a British accent since marrying into the royal family.

Meghan Markle only officially joined the royal family two months ago, but she's already sounding the part.

A newly shared video shows the Duchess of Sussex, who was born in Los Angeles, apparently speaking with a British lilt during a recent trip to Cheshire, England, with the Queen in June.

In the video, which was shared to Twitter by a fan, the newly minted royal introduces herself to members of the crowd and discusses the weather.

"Oh my goodness!" she says as they compliment her dress.

After the video was shared online, viewers were divided.

"Obsessed with Meghan Markle’s new British accent!" one Twitter user said.

"She hasn't lived there long enough to even have accidentally picked it up," another wrote.

Another quipped, "Meghan Markle is a lil phony for that fake British accent coming through. But if I became British royalty you’d see me day 2 saying pip pip cheerio."

Meghan has been living in the U.K. since she and Prince Harry announced their engagement in November 2017. They live together in London.