Has the Pandemic Baby Boom Arrived? New Moms Talk Pregnancy Amid COVID-19

While pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of excitement and anxiety, getting a potentially deadly virus while carrying a child certainly isn’t on anyone’s to-do list.

While pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of excitement and anxiety, getting a potentially deadly virus while carrying a child certainly isn’t on anyone’s to-do list. Expectant and new mothers spoke with Inside Edition about their part in what may be once looked at as a “COVID-19 Baby Boom.”

Adina Kayton contracted COVID-19 while she was 5 months pregnant. She noticed she lost her sense of smell and taste and was in pain. She even recorded herself biting into an onion like an apple to demonstrate her symptoms. Her husband wasn’t allowed to go to appointments, so she had to take videos of her ultrasounds.

“It has been an emotional roller coaster,” she said.

Kayton has recovered but does not know if there will be any impact on her baby. “They don't have enough information to give us any sort of reassurance what's gonna happen, what the outcome is going to be,” she said.

Emily Flores, 34, got pregnant with her third child during the pandemic. “I was home more often with my husband, he was working from home, so that's why we got pregnant,” she said.

Abigail Rider, 25, is expecting her first child. “For me the hardest part was the isolation and the failed expectation of what I thought pregnancy was going to be like, you know, have [baby] showers and see people and be social,” she said.  

Heather Hays, who gave birth to a baby boy on Monday, has also been coping with COVID-19 safety protocols. “It feels like my husband hasn’t been involved at all because he hasn’t been able to come to any of the appointments,” she said.

But above all, each of the women agreed there’s so much to look forward to.

“I’m ready to not be pregnant and be out of this pandemic,” Rider said.