Man Bravely Shows Excess Skin After 400 Pound Weight Loss

Brian Flemming lost all the weight naturally.

In 2012, Brian Flemming was morbidly obese and depressed. Weighing 625 pounds and suffering from alcoholism, Flemming was ready to give up on life and became suicidal.

He posted his dramatic story on YouTube and his brave video is gaining attention.

By chance, he met a woman in England named Jackie while playing an online video game from his home in the United States. After chatting with the woman they became friendly. He explained to her what he was suffering from and she took no sympathy on his condition and inspired him to change his life.

In the video, Flemming mentioned how the woman, who suffered from a form of muscular dystrophy, gave him a pep talk that changed his life. "She told me I was throwing my life away. She said there are thousands of people out there fighting for their lives, herself included, and what am I doing? I am throwing all of these opportunities away."

Flemming quit drinking cold turkey and began losing weight. He lost 390 pounds and is living a healthier life both physically and mentally.

Now, he is down to 235 pounds but doctors say he has 40 pounds of excess skin left on his body. He is self-conscious to take his shirt off and admits he hasn’t swam in over a decade.

Flemming told INSIDE EDITION, "I had been speaking with my therapist about how bashful I am with my body and how I haven't even gone swimming in over 10 years. I have seen many videos online of people showing excess skin after weight loss (most of them due to bariatric surgeries). I wanted to show that the weight can be lost naturally, without surgeries. And in the same amount of time, if not less! The resulting skin is the same. I think making the video is like me finally deciding to take my shirt off and go swimming; YouTube is like a pool filled with thousands of people! It's funny... even after posting that; I'm still very self-conscious about it.”

He lost a massive amount of weight thanks to diet and exercise and now runs a weight loss support group where he encourages others who feel the same way he did to alter their lives. The weight loss support group called Team 383 has over 11,000 members, many who went through the same struggles that he did.

He told INSIDE EDITION, "I was inspired to show my skin in the video because Jackie and I have a weight loss support group called Team 383. We have just over 11,000 members and many of them are going through the same struggles that I went through. I wanted to show them the last part of the weight loss that I am dealing with."

A friend created Flemming’s Go Fund Me page 11 months ago to raise funds for his skin removal surgery. He's still $8,000 away from having enough for the surgery.

Click Here For More Info on How You Can Help Brian Flemming