
Homeless Man Changes Flat Tire for Woman: 'That's What You're Supposed to Do'

Charles Logan, 56, stopped to help a woman change her tire.(Jessie Jean’s on Historic 25th)

Charles Logan, 56, happened to be sweeping the parking lot when she pulled in.

A Utah woman who needed her tire changed got a little help from a homeless man, who saw her in the parking lot and noticed she needed a hand.

Charles Logan, 56, said it only took a few minutes to help her change her tire after she pulled in to the parking lot of an Ogden restaurant last Monday.

“I’m old school. I believe in the Golden Rule,” Logan told “If a little lady needs her tire fixed, you go down there and fix the tire. That’s what you’re supposed to do. Anyone that needs help, I’ll do it.

The sweet moment was captured that morning on camera by Anna Davidson, the owner of Jessie Jean’s on Historic 25th restaurant, where Logan had been sweeping that morning.

Logan and his wife are often at the restaurant, either doing odd jobs for a hot meal or offering a helping hand to whoever needs it.

“The people here are special, you don’t find the comradery elsewhere,” Logan said of the restaurant. “They’re all good people. They’re patient enough to sit with us and not judge us.”

Davidson told that her restaurant has a great relationship with the local homeless community and that she wanted to make a statement by sharing the photo that has since gone viral.

“We can’t pigeonhole homeless people,” Davidson said. “[Charles is] here because he wants to be a part of something. He’s pretty awesome. He works hard and he does good.”