
How to Put Old Holiday Cards and Wrapping Paper to Good Use

A professional organizer has some helpful tips for the holiday season.

Holiday decorating can be fun but also overwhelming. 

Inside Edition teamed up with professional organizer Marty Stevens-Heebner of Clear Home Solutions to help busy mom Rachael Blum, who has another baby on the way, to take the stress out of the holidays.

"I'm feeling a little stressed, honestly," said Blum. 

First, Stevens-Heebner helped organize Blum's holiday cards by hanging them up. "I see you've got some great wall space over here. ...  So what we can do is tape them over here," Stevens-Heebner said. Another idea? Turn cards into decorations by stringing them together along a garland. 

Blum also needed help storing her ornaments and lights. "I find that everything ends up in one box together ... and they get broken," Blum admitted. 

Using an egg carton and a piece of cardboard, Stevens-Heebner showed her how to prevent them from breaking once they’re put away.

As for those little pieces of leftover wrapping paper? "Rip it up and start putting it through the paper shredder," said Stevens-Heebner, adding that you can use the colorful bits of paper as filler for gift bags.

Check out the video above for more great tips.