
How the Game ‘Beardless Man and the Bride’ Is Helping Those in Need

It's a traditional game played in eastern Turkey, which serves as a form of mutual aid for the community. 

Who's up for a round of "Beardless Man and the Bride"?

That's the name of a traditional game played in eastern Turkey, which serves as a form of mutual aid for the community. 

To play the role of the Beardless Man, a volunteer dons a fuzzy costume made of grass and wool. Another volunteer — it can be a man or a woman — dresses up as the man's wife, the titular Bride.

After the couple dances, they run through town with sticks, collecting food donations. They sometimes pretend to steal the food they collect, or the Beardless Man pretends to be dead, only able to be revived by his wife. 

And then ... some more dancing. 

At the end of the night, the collected food is doled out to families in need

The game is a piece of living folklore that people are trying to keep from going extinct. What's more, it's a way of helping others while having some fun. 

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