
How to Get Velcro Toy Bunchems Out of Your Kids' Hair

Parents across the country are posting videos of the spiky balls all tangled up in their kids’ hair.

Kids love the popular toy called Bunchems — little colorful balls that stick together like velcro and can be used to build all kinds of things. But parents across the country are posting videos of the spiky balls all tangled up in their kids’ hair.

Lisa Hoelzele’s 6-year-old daughter Abigail had 150 Bunchems matted into her hair after her brother dumped a bucket of them on her head.

“I looked at her hair, and I was in absolute disbelief,” Hoelzele told Inside Edition. “I think I had an out of body experience.”

It took her 20 hours to get all of the Bunchems out.

Before you break out the scissors, there is another way to remove them. You’ll need vegetable oil or hair conditioner. Apply the product on the hair where the Bunchems are tangled, carefully brush the hair and they should come loose with a gentle pull.

The Bunchems packaging says to keep the toys away from hair and pets. In 2015, the company released an instructional video on how to remove the balls from hair.