Illinois Substitute Teacher Saves Choking Student With Heimlich Maneuver

Sadie Carwyle was sitting in the cafeteria when a choking student walked up to her.

An Illinois substitute teacher jumped into the rescue when a student started choking in the cafeteria. Security video shows Ryan Buckner making a choking motion as he went over to Sadie Carwyle.

“He came walking over to me, and I automatically knew what was going on,” Carwyle said.

She started the Heimlich maneuver, gave eight thrusts and out popped the corndog Ryan was eating out of where it was lodged. She likely saved the boy’s life.

“Finally when the food projected, I turned him around, the color came back in his face, and I knew everything was OK,” Carwyle said.

“We owe her our lives, we really do,” the boy’s mom said.

In another heroic incident, Bruce Tronalone went into cardiac arrest at a hockey meet and was saved by a fellow player, who happened to be an EMT.

“I stepped on the ice and then that was the last moment I had,” Tronalone said.

Once the EMT realized what was going on, he started performing chest compressions and saved the man’s life.

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