Juror in Jussie Smollett Trial Speaks Out About How He Made His Decision

In an exclusive interview with WLS-TV, Andre Hope says Smollett's claim that he was attacked in a hate crime by the Osundairo brothers simply made no sense.

The lone Black juror on the Jussie Smollett trial is speaking out for the first time.

In an exclusive interview with WLS-TV, Andre Hope says Smollett's claim that he was attacked in a hate crime by the Osundairo brothers simply made no sense.

“Two o'clock in the morning, cold outside. When you just use your common sense as what's there, yeah it just, it didn't add up,” Hope said.

Hope says that one critical piece of evidence that convinced him Smollett made up the story was the noose, which police video showed Smollett leaving on his neck for cops to see.

“As an African American person, I'm not putting that noose back on at all,” Hope said.

The 63-year-old retired civil servant says he had never seen the TV show “Empire” and knew very little about Smollett before being selected to the jury.

“I was shocked. I was completely shocked that I was even picked. At that point, I took it very seriously,” Hope said.

He says he was disappointed to see he was the only Black person on the panel.

“How can we say that this is a jury of your peers when there's only one African American? And there were plenty there, so you could've gotten two, three, four. African Americans can handle the truth, too. And we can give an impartial judgment on a case,” Hope said.

And while he has not doubts about Smollett's guilt, Hope is still left with one lingering mystery. 

“I still have not figured out a motive for why he did — why this had to even happen. He was a star,” Hope continued.

Smollett is awaiting his sentencing. He could face up to 15 years in prison, but the juror says he hopes Smollett only gets probation and that Hollywood gives him a second chance.

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