Kate Winslet Says Jack Didn't Have to Die in 'Titanic': 'He Should Have Just Tried Harder'

Winslet Colbert

The actress fielded the nagging question on 'The Late Show' Thursday night.

Titanic star Kate Winslet marked the 20th anniversary of the film's release on The Late Show with a demonstration of how Jack could have saved his own life. 

Host Stephen Colbert asked the Oscar-winning actress, who portrayed Rose in the blockbuster, a variety of questions about the film Thursday night, including the tragic climax.

“In the famous line you say, ‘I’ll never let you go, Jack’ — but you do!” Colbert said to her in reference to the film’s ending.

“I lie!” Winslet said. “I fully lie. I hold my hand up, I let him go. Plus, he just should’ve tried harder to get on that door.”

She and Colbert then recreated the scene. 

She jumped on top of his desk as he got below it and the duo parodied how easy it could have been for Leonardo DiCaprio’s character to get on the door. 

The 20th anniversary of Titanic will cruise into theaters again for a limited run later this weekend.