Looking to Lose Weight Gained During COVID-19? Avoid Fad Diets to Shed Pandemic Pounds, Fitness Expert Says

Inside Edition spoke to fitness expert Sheryl Wilson about the right way to build healthy habits.

The race is on to get back in pre-pandemic shape, but people should be careful not to overextend themselves. Fitness instructor Sheryl Wilson has never been busier, but she says, don’t try too much at once to shed the pandemic pounds. 

Weight Watchers, now known as WW International, says membership is up 16%. 

“People are starting to have events. People are going back to the office, and they want to look and feel better,” Wilson said.

Fad diets are to be avoided, she says, and good old-fashioned aerobics and cardio paired with more veggies and a decrease in carbs is key. 

“Think about what works for you. If you need chocolate everyday like me or if you need your glass of wine — stick with the wine, stick with some moderate chocolate per day, per week, and then the rest of your meals, make healthy choices," she said.

"Lots of veggies, cut down on the heavy carbs,” Wilson said.

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