Man Surprises Stepdad With Adoption Papers and Plans to Take His Name

"I wish I had done it years and years ago," Logan Borden told

A New York man surprised the only father he has ever known with adoption papers to make their bond official in a touching moment that was caught on camera. 

“It’s a folder!” Rick Morse joked as he unwrapped a gift from his stepson, Logan Borden. 

But it was the contents of that folder that left Morse choking back tears.

“He’s everything to me,” Borden told “He’s not just my dad — he’s one of my best friends.” 

Morse has raised Borden since he was a baby and took on the role of grandfather when Borden welcomed his own son. He decided several months ago it was time to make their special bond a legal one.

“It was time for him to be my dad,” Borden said.

A relative captured the heartwarming moment on camera. 

“I knew it was going to be happy because he’s talked about it before, but I wasn’t sure what his reaction was really gonna be,” Borden said. “The whole rest of the day he was full smiles. He was thrilled and I was thrilled.”

Borden and his son plan to change their last name to Morse, cementing the familial tie through three generations.

“To him, it’s grandpa,” Borden said of his son and father’s relationship, noting the little boy is excited for the name change.

Borden’s brother also plans to change his name, and the entire family is excited to complete the process, he said.

“It doesn’t just make you happy; the happiness that it brings [the parent], to know, 'Hey, you know, this isn’t my child but I’ve raised this child,' and to know that … like for him to know that I feel that way about him, where I want to put my name as his and be able to legally say, ‘You’re my dad,’” Borden said.

“I mean, that’s a feeling you can’t beat. I wish I had done it years and years ago.”




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