
Meet Some of the First Babies Born in the U.S. in 2019

Some parents celebrated the New Year with the birth of their babies.(Boston Medical Center/Franciscan Health)

The clock barely finished striking 12 as these parents celebrated with their newborns.

New year, newborns! Many happy parents rang in the New Year by welcoming their babies into the world.

In Boston, Adeline Bridie Brennan was born right at the stroke of midnight at the Boston Medical Center.

The sweet 2019 baby was born at a healthy weight of 7 pounds, and she and her mom Alana Brennan are continuing to rest comfortably at the hospital.

Meanwhile, at New York’s Long Island Jewish Medical Center, a tiny baby boy was born just seven seconds after the ball dropped.

His parents, Eli and Adina Derdik of Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, are opting not to name their boy until after a bris next week and instead will call him “007” in the meantime, according to WABC.

Nearby at the Staten Island University Hospital, baby boy Dion Karpuzi was born 30 seconds after midnight.

His mom Nexhmije “Mia” Balanca called her new son a “handsome prince” and “God’s gift from heaven,” she said in a statement.

Anaaynsh Bulakh of Indianapolis, Indiana, was born soon after, at just 38 seconds after midnight. The newborn girl was photographed with her mom and dad, Ankita Kashikar and Mandar Bulakh, and the photo was shared by their hospital, Franciscan Health.