Meghan Markle Says She Doesn't Want to Be Loved, She Wants to Be Heard

Meghan Markle says she doesn't need to be loved, she needs to be heard.
The Duchess of Sussex visited a grassroots organization dedicated to empowering women. Sussexroyal/Instagram

The Duchess of Sussex spoke with a British reporter for an article that debuted Friday.

Meghan Markle has opened up again, this time to a reporter for the British publication The Telegraph.

The Duchess of Sussex, the journalist wrote, "told me that she didn't want people to love her — she just wanted them to be able to hear her."

The royal was visiting the Luminary Bakery, an organization that helps women stand on their own, and allowed the reporter to accompany her. 

Markle, 38, has recently returned from a trip to Africa with her son, Archie, and husband, Prince Harry. In an interview filmed there, she spoke of sometimes feeling overwhelmed by the constant scrutiny of being a royal. 

“One of the things I have realized since being here (in Britain) is that people have an expectation when I’m coming somewhere, so I’m like, 'Let’s just be really relaxed, keep everyone nice and chilled, because at the end of the day we’re all just women,'" Markle told those gathered at the event. "We all have a story to tell, and I feel honored that I am getting to hear yours.”

Markle told the women at the bakery that she was one of them, despite recently becoming a royal. “I find that when you strip all the layers away, as people, and especially as women, we can find deep connection with each other, and a shared understanding."