Melania Trump's Plane Forced to Turn Around After 'Mechanical Issue'

First lady Melania Trump was on her way to Philadelphia when reporters aboard the plane noticed smoke and a burning smell.

Melania Trump's plane had to make an emergency landing Wednesday morning after the aircraft suffered a “mechanical issue.” 

Passengers scrambled to safety 10 minutes after the jet took off from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington for a short hop to Philadelphia.

“We're having a few issues up here," the pilot tells air traffic control. "I'd like to turn around and go back to Andrews. Can you co-ordinate that for us?"

“Executive One Foxtrot. Roger, cleared to Andrews airport,” the air traffic controller replied. "Do you require any special assistance?"

“No assistance required at this time. Thanks,” the pilot said. 

The cabin also reportedly filled up with smoke.

“We could see a thin haze of smoke and smell something burning,” a reporter traveling with the first lady tweeted. “Press was brought wet towels and told to hold them over our faces.”   

Mrs. Trump’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham, told CNN that the incident was a “minor mechanical issue," adding, "Everything is fine and everyone is safe."

Mrs. Trump was among the last to leave the stricken aircraft. She continued her journey on another plane and kept her scheduled appearance at a Philadelphia hospital where she joked about the incident.  

“Good morning. I'm sorry for a little delay,” she said with a smile. 

President Trump, speaking to Fox Business, said his wife "is fine." 

"I just spoke to her. She said she was getting another plane," he said. "I said well, 'I hope this one is better than the other!' But she's OK."