Missouri School Bus Driver Who Dons Quirky Costumes to Children's Delight Honored as Employee of the Year

Kevin Huges is lucky to work in a place where bunny costumes and leprechaun outfits are rewarded with smiles.

Bus driver Kevin Huges goes to work wearing outfits sure to turn heads. 

So why isn't Kevin content traversing Missouri roads in jeans and a t-shirt?

"These are trying times and I'm just putting a little fun in the workplace," he told KMOV. "If I've made you laugh, I've done my job."

Well, that's part of his job. The other part includes getting children to school safely, and Kevin is good at that, too.

That's why he was named the transportation department's employee of the year. 

He's lucky to work in a place where bunny costumes around Easter time and leprechaun outfits near St. Patrick's Day are rewarded with smiles. 

"They love it," he said of the children. "It all depends on the outfit. Sometimes they don't understand them, but a lot of times they do."

And now, the kids getting on the 229 bus are accustomed to being sent off to their day by Kevin bright smile and memorable outfits. 

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