Mom Gifts Son's Teachers With Hilarious Wine Bottles: 'Our Child Might be The Reason You Drink'

D.J. Sommers
D.J. Sommers

It was an appreciative gesture.

An Ohio mom put a spin on holiday Christmas gifts for her 14-year-old son’s teachers with a hilarious bottle of wine.

“Our child might be the reason you drink so enjoy this bottle on us,” read the wine bottles, along with a picture of Mary Sommers’ eighth grade son, Jake.

Sommers thought it would be a funny idea to put Jake’s image on the gifts and enlisted the help of her friend, who works at a printing company, to bring the idea to life.

“My mom checked with Jake to make sure he wouldn’t be embarrassed and he thought it was funny,” D.J. Sommers, Jake’s older brother who also previously attended Ascension Catholic Elementary School, told

All of Mary Sommers’ three children have attended the school. She also works there as a lunch lady.

“Jake will be done in the spring. The wine bottles were more like a farewell, like thank you for putting up with all of our family,” D.J. Sommers said. “My brother is not the worst student in the world, but he’s not the best. He’s that kid. He just needs a little bit of time and effort.”

Mary Sommers handed out the bottles to ten teachers, which had all been Jake’s teachers at some point.

“The teachers all loved it,”  D.J. Somme’s said. “How many candles and coffee mugs can a teacher get. It was a fun spin on a gift to show our appreciation.”

D.J. Sommers shared a picture of the wine bottles to his Twitter page where it has been retweeted more than 7,000 times.