Mom Recounts 'Irony' of Inmates Breaking Into Her Car to Help Toddler

After Florida inmates helped deputies break into a car to help a child locked inside, the toddler's mom is thanking "God for the criminals in the world."

Prison inmates were caught on camera trying to break into a car to save a 1-year-old child who was locked inside. 

Little Dallas was accidentally locked in the vehicle by her dad, who turned to deputies with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office in Florida for help.

Deputies tried their best, to no avail, until one noticed some nearby work-release inmates and suggested they ask them for assistance. 

They dropped what they were doing and shimmied a coat hanger through the top of the window in an effort to activate the electronic lock. Voila! A few minutes later, Dallas was freed. 

For Dallas' mom, it was hard not to see the humor in it.

"It was so funny. The irony of a police officer asking them to break into a car,” Shadow Lantry told Inside Edition. "Thank God for the criminals in the world."