Moment Hero Neighbor Saves Choking Man Caught on Camera

A dramatic rescue was captured on a doorbell camera last week in Orlando, Florida, after a man started choking on a piece of steak during dinner.

A dramatic rescue was captured on a doorbell camera last week in Orlando, Florida, after a man started choking on a piece of steak during dinner. He quickly ran to his neighbor's house who performed the Heimlich Maneuver.

Billy Bass told Inside Edition about the terrifying ordeal. "I had to think quick and I couldn't speak," Bass said. "So I went to my neighbors, since we are friends. I was reaching the end. I wasn't going to see my daughter again. I was dying. I only had about 30 seconds left."

Bass ran to his neighbor Karen Aranda's door, and when she answered, he signaled to her that he was choking.

"She did the Heimlich and knew exactly what to do and reacted perfectly," Bass said. 

Aranda performed several thrusts until his airway was clear.

"When I opened the door, I knew that something was wrong and I knew that I had to do something — quickly!" Karen said.

Luckily, she had been CPR-certified for the past 20 years but had never had it to use it until then. 

"You saved my life," Bass told Aranda.